Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Ducatisti Delight!

As promised I've just put motorcycle journalist Ian Kerr's great article covering the 2007 World Ducati Week up on www.inter-bike.co.uk.
If you weren't there, revelling in an all thinks Ducati, here's your chance to read what you missed - click here, to read the full feature on inter-bike.

However best of all Ian took loads of pic of WDW 2007 s, and there are over 100 plus Ducati photos to view in a slideshow accompanying the article, a true Ducatisti Delight!

Ride safe!

Jon Booth
Email: webmaster@inter-bike.co.uk
Blog: http://inter-bike.blogspot.com
Swicki: http://motorcycling-swicki.eurekster.com/

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