Wednesday, October 17, 2007


It has been awhile since there has been any news on the new Vmax worth posting. The prototype and the current 07 model are now being marketed under the Yamaha "Star" brand. This is a distinct difference from the tuning fork logo all the past models have on them for a badge (see photo)

"Yamaha have now confirmed that the Vmax will become reality shortly. The new Max will be a 2008 model and the launch will take place this Autumn. The Vmax will be offered to US and European riders first and the production will be split 50/50 from what we have been told. In the US the bike will be named Star Vmax and in Europe Yamaha Vmax. Apparently the final specs will not disappoint anyone..."

That is some very cool news if true. We can only wait till fall to see if the new beast shows up on the floor at your local dealership.


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