Sunday, March 16, 2008

Bikes in London bus lanes furore continues!

The Motor Cycle Industry Association (MCIA) has now weighed in on the debacle of the banning of motorcycles in bus lanes in London, by London Mayor Ken Livingstone.

I quote one very telling line from their press release, which I think sums up how many of us motorcyclist are feeling:-

“The report that Mr Livingstone has published today is little more than politically ‘spun’ tripe, pedalled to suit a negative view about motorcycling which has been heavily promoted by the Mayor’s anti-motorcycle transport advisors"

So again in this country we are facing with more blatant anti-motorcycling tripe, frankly I'm appalled that the Mayor has been allowed to get away with this, it some democracy we live in when bikers lives can be put at risk!!

Ride safe!

Jon Booth

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